HMC (Hardware Management Console) AIX 02:41:482005-09-21 10:53:512023-01-01 05:12:17Sándor Lukács, IBM Certified Systems ExpertSándor Lukács, IBM Certified Systems ExpertSándor Lukács, IBM Certified Systems ExpertCentral Médiacsoport Zrt. a témában:
Hardware Management Console V7 Handbook
In 2007 there will be an updated HMC that clients can utilize in their enterprise. This project will look at the new features and create a detailed book on the function, including installation, diagnostics, configuration management, networking, virtualization and other HMC tasks.
Managing the HMC
Understand how to manage your Hardware Management Console. - HMC Concepts, Setting up the HMC, Installing and securing the remote client, Working with the HMC, Troubleshooting HMC setup.
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